silver salmon

Yukon Delta NWR Letter to FSB on Kuskokwim Coho Salmon Situation

Yukon Delta NWR Letter to FSB on Kuskokwim Coho Salmon Situation

On Tuesday, August 16, the Federal In-Season Manager at Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge issued the following letter to the Federal Subsistence Board explaining Yukon Delta NWR and KRITFC’s response to the State’s management action closing subsistence fishing for coho salmon throughout the Kuskokwim River drainage.

2021 Federal Management Action: Closures & Subsistence Harvest Opportunities (Emergency Special Action No.: 3-KS-01-21 )

The Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Manager determined that Federal management is necessary for the conservation and the continuation of subsistence uses for Chinook salmon within the Kuskokwim River drainage. Read more for information about Federal closures, subsistence harvest opportunities, and alternative fishing means and methods during times of Chinook salmon conservation.